
Do you have a finished project and would like to know the charges? As an independent language specialist, I offer you professional services at affordable prices.

Here you will find the translation service costs.

Translation rates per word / character:

Source languageTarget languageRate
EnglishGerman0.05 per word
DutchGerman0.05 per word
RussianGerman0.05 per word
ChineseGerman5.00 Euro per 100 character
SpanishGerman0.05 per word
EnglishRussian0.04 per word
DutchRussian0.04 per word
GermanRussian0.04 per word
ChineseRussian5.00 per 100 character
SpanishRussian0.05 per word

Proofreading and Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA) rates per word / character:

Source languageTarget languageRate
EnglishGerman0.02 per word
DutchGerman0.02 per word
RussianGerman0.02 per word
ChineseGerman2.00 Euro per 100 character
SpanishGerman0.02 per word
EnglishRussian0.02 per word
DutchRussian0.02 per word
GermanRussian0.02 per word
ChineseRussian2.00 per 100 character
SpanishRussian0.02 per word

Subtitling rates, Transcreation, Desktop Publishing, SEO Localization rates per word / character:

Source languageTarget languageRate
EnglishGerman0.06 per word
DutchGerman0.06 per word
RussianGerman0.06 per word
ChineseGerman7.00 Euro per 100 character
SpanishGerman0.06 per word
EnglishRussian0.06 per word
DutchRussian0.06 per word
GermanRussian0.06 per word
ChineseRussian7.00 per 100 character
SpanishRussian0.06 per word


For permanent customers and large text volumes (over 5K words / 8K Chinese characters) I grant a 20% discount off the initial translation rates per word, for text volumes over 25K words / 40K Chinese characters – 30%.

Payment methods:

You can pay job after receiving the translation in the following ways:

Bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, TransferWise

Payment for large orders is negotiated.

To use the affordable language services and discuss the details, please contact me:!

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